Wednesday, 28 January 2015

You may be wondering who I am after my slightly bizarre first post on how to bake chocolate chip cookies. Anyway, hi. My name is Izzy and this is my blog, Muddy Puddles. The name was inspired by my many dog walks I have completed over the years and my urge to jump in all the puddles I see along the way. I hope to post when I can, about whatever interests me. However, it will mostly fall under the categories of Books and Lifestyle; at least to start with! If you have any requests on what i should post let me know in the comments! 

I hope you are having/had a wonderful day! Keep smiling!
Izzy x

Sunday, 11 January 2015

How to make Chocolate Chip Cookies

This is one of my favorite recipe for cookies, it is so easy and they taste Delicious! The recipe is originally from a Be-Ro Flour baking book.

You will need:
75g (3oz) margarine
75g (3oz) brown sugar
1 egg
a few drops of vanilla essence
150g (6oz) Self raising flour
pinch of salt
100g (4oz) chocolate chips

 1. Measure out and cream together the margarine and sugar 

 2. Beat in the egg and the vanilla essence

3. Stir in the Flour, Salt and Chocolate chips 


4. Place small spoonfuls onto greased baking trays (grease proof paper will do!)

5. Bake in an moderate oven, 180oC, 350oF, Gas mark 4 for about 10-15 minutes 

Ta dah! You now have some delicious cookies! 
Top top: they are delicious warm!

Hope you are having a fantastic new year so far and that something has made you smile today!
All the best,
Izzy x